Sarasota Lifestyle LLC

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Ready to sell..and choose the right agent who will help you prepare your home, explain your property’s value, utilize high-quality photography, and respond honestly to your questions and concerns? Schedule a FREE, no-obligation call with me to discuss how my proven experience will help to make your sale as smooth and stress-free as possible!

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Thinking about selling a property in or around Sarasota, Florida? Let’s discuss your questions & concerns.

What our clients say...

Thank you for requesting my report. I’m certain you’ll discover some things about hiring a listing(marketing) agent you didn’t know. I look forward to talking with you about selling your property in or around Sarasota. Schedule a free phone call now.


Mike Payne

Real Estate Agent

M: (941) 928-8145

Bright Realty

5218 Station Way,  Sarasota, Florida 34233